Dear Atheist-


There is no question of the existence of a Supreme Being- a Supreme Principle, every religion accepts that- even Science (only the names differ); whom this Being is, is usually the bone of contention.

Dear Atheist- Free Thinkers

…Ask for the infilling of the Holy Spirit
then read the Bible
but while at it, allow the Holy Spirit direct you
then and only then…

You know I like you, yea?
I will give you an advice- I’m probably younger than you, so you don’t have to take it to heart…

Here’s the thing,

Stop being foolish!

You are intellectually sound, an advanced breed of the Homo sapiens Species. One who’s hard work and quest for knowledge outstrips all contradictions- this is just to say, you are Human by the way,- like that ‘dumb ass’ believing in an invisible Being.

Are you really that dull? Like serious? Are you?
Because, unlike the guy believing in an invisible being, you do not obey protocols- you do not follow procedures and still expect to get the same results as though you did…

Far be it that I am writing this to impose a doctrine on you- it is honestly not my choice to make, whether you follow procedures or not. I am however here to clearly state that in such cases whereby you do things differently, you shouldn’t be shocked or even surprised when you get a different result- you should actually accept it.

I recently went to buy a car. I met with the CEO of the company and after he instructed me on how to operate the vehicle, showing me steps in the manual, esp. the part that talks about how you start the car. I collected the car keys and placed it in the exhaust- turned it on, but the car wouldn’t just work. It just wouldn’t start. Considering I’m in my 20s and I’ve seen more cars move than I can count; I knew fully well that when you kick start a car, it is suppose to start, so I confidently  went into the CEO’s office- ‘bashing’ him with my quarries as to why a brand new car wouldn’t work- it’s pretty messed up, isn’t it?

I mean you guys would agree with me, yea?

Then I woke up from my car buying dream- here is my point though…

Let’s look at some books in the Bible…

The Bible- the same Book a lot of atheist I have encountered never forget to remind me is ‘full of crap’, ‘inconsistent’, ‘fake’, yada, yada, yada… the bottom line been, the Supreme Being- God, does not exist- He’s to invisible to be Possible.

….’ All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17) that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.  

-2nd Timothy 3:16-17

14) But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15) But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.

-1st Corinthians 2:14-15

26) But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.)

-John 14:26-27

So let me ask you ‘Mr Smart one’, if you can’t follow a simple procedure laid down by an authority, how dare you then question this same authority?

What cannot be disproved should never be questioned.

It’s like building a house, but wanting to start from the roof- it makes no sense.

Dear Atheist,

Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion, but it’s rather useless and makes you foolish if it’s baseless. There is a path to life and it is not an accident. The Bible has a procedure to understanding it, it was inspired by a Devine Being and so must be followed in His way or else, abuse and misinterpretations are inevitable.

An advice to you, my dear fellow that I like…
I’m probably younger than you, so you don’t have to take it to heart- you are probably smarter, so you don’t have to listen…
Oh, but I pray you would.

Ask for the infilling of the Holy Spirit
then read the bible
but while at it, allow the Holy Spirit direct you
then and only then would you be allowed to discredit the Bible- until then, don’t ever tell me again that you know the bible more than me, because it is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me (Galatians 2; 20), Christ in me is the hope of glory. (Colossians 1-27).

NB: Don’t worry, you would soon understand.

What do you have to lose doing the right thing, the right way, to get the right result???


Oluwatosin Olabode (sst)

Good day sir,


You need to understand that we are in the world, but not of the world. This is because our home is in heaven.

Now, since we are citizens of heaven here on earth, it would only be proper to state that earth must be conducive enough for us to be able to accomplish our God given mandates- implying that heaven can be found on earth, but no earth in heaven (as we are not from earth in heaven). This is why in the final days, everything will pass away,but for the word of God that remains.

Remember, in the beginning of creation, we were created in the image and likeness of God, and the Word of God is God, because, in the beginning was the Word and the word was with God and the Word was God- the same Word became flesh, and we know only Jesus who is God became flesh for our sins, then, if this is true(and it is true), it means that we are the image of the Word; and so, if the Word remains, so do we… eternally(though it depends were some people’s eternity will be(hell I mean)but for us(that have been saved by grace) and you that is willing to become the son of God (therefore not being of this world), we have our eternity returning back home as worthy ambassadors.

Note, He came to the world and the world knew him not, this is only because He isn’t one of them- but to those that accepted Him; this means that there are people in the world who have also realised that they are not from the world- and so recognised Him when He came, because they are from the same place…

While there is no world in the word, the word can be found in the world, therefore, if your desire is to go back to heaven (where there is no earth), stop doing earthly things(things that don’t  glorify God) and start doing heavenly things(things that glorify God). I’m sure you get the idea… a godly lifestyle is still possible in our generation.

Remember, while coming to earth is not much of a choice, going back to heaven is. It’s yours to choose today- God gave us that choice!

Would you be so kind as to let me deliver a brief message to you…

Good day sir/ma,
if you would like to know more about the idea of heaven and how to eternally be in Christ, kindly visit my YES TO JESUS page immediately, and if you have accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and saviour (which means you’re sure of heaven) then witness this truth to others as the crown of soul willing awaits you in heaven…

Thank you and God bless.

Oluwatosin Olabode (SST).

Have Some Faith-


     The “F” in Faith stands for “the Future”. Faith is not the actions of the Past or the words of the Present, Faith is the substance of the Future-
     Faith is your ability unlike Thomas to believe while you have not seen. Faith is Noah preparing an ark for something God called rain. Faith is blind bartimaeus dropping his support and not allowing anyone to lead him as though he already had his sight while trying to meet Jesus for his sight. Faith is that Centurion telling Jesus he is as effective from where He is on the street as He would be in his unworthy home for Jesus to heal his servant boy.
     Faith is the Solution, not the hopes of the possibilities of the effectiveness of the solution put into consideration.  Faith is Obedience- “follow me and I will make you fishers of men”…2000 years later; and more fishers of men are birthed daily.  Faith is Abraham leaving his home to an unknown land. Faith is Nonetheless the results, “I will still hold on to Jesus”- Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego going into the fire even if the father will forsake them (God will never leave nor forsake you).
     It is not Faith if it is the usual, it is not Faith if you fully comprehend it (what’s the faith in it?). Faith is a believe- a believe in something to come and not something already in your reach. Faith is exhibited before and during the process, not after; thanksgiving is what you show before, during and after the process.
    Faith is not what you Think God Can Do- it is not even what you Know He Will Do, Faith is what you Know God HAS Done- Faith is a commodity everyone uses every second of the day. Faith in the Negative Context is called Doubt; the believe that it will not happen, while the believe of it occurring is Faith in itself- the thought we should all have in mind- a Positive Context.

     The “F” in Faith represensts the Future-
     How do you intend to live yours?
     In the Positive Context or in the continuity of doubt?
     HAVE SOME FAITH- be it in a mustard seed form or watermelon like!!!

Scriptural Refrences (Hebrews 11:1, Mark 10;46-52, Daniel 3:17-18, Genesis 6;14-18, Hebrews 13:5, Matthew 8; 5-10).

God Bless,
Olabode Oluwatosin (Sst).